Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rare Weekend

Song Obsession of the Day: Tonight (Best You Ever Had) - John Legend ft. Ludacris

This weekend was really great. Why? Well, for one, it was what I like to call a, "writing weekend." Basically, a writing weekend is one where all I do is write, or plot, or build, etc. I don't go out with friends, I don't normally have to do homework on this weekends, I generally don't study. Everything is put on hold for writing. I've finished almost three chapters this weekend.

Now, don't I wish I could do this every weekend! I really do wish that I didn't have to pay attention to real life, projects, homework, friends, and just do this all the time - but I would probably go insane. And get a lot of work done in the process, of course. There are pros and cons to everything.

Anyway, update on the writing: Still no title for sure, but I have a bunch of options, some stupid, some sort of make sense, and all of them need a lot of work. Once I get it narrowed down more, I'll probably post some for opinions, but right now there are just too many. Especially when I have to consider what aspect of the novel I want to portray.

Which brings me to a major issue with writing this sort of fantasy. I guess it's sort of what George R. R. Martin dealth with when he wrote Game of Thrones. I have main characters and I have plotlines, but that's where I run into issues. See, I have three major plotlines, and while they all fit together, I haven't quite managed to get a good enough handle on them. I hope that will come with time, and more thinking. Because this isn't just a problem to deal with when titling this monster, I need to think about it in terms of my pitch and for my future query letters to agents.

I'm probably over-thinking (again) and looking too far into the future. After all, once I finish this thing, it's going to require a lot of revision. So, by the time I'm really done with it, you never know, it could very well be a completely different story altogether.

Don't you just love writing?

I do.

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